Road Runner

   Road Runner



Registration form now available - go to the Register Page.

Registrations are coming in... please join us!

No-Host Tour of the American Computer and Robotics Museum on Wednesday the 5th of October.

Grand Prize in hand- see Prizes Page

New prizes for raffle - see Prizes Page


a prize added: Dell Laptop - see the Prizes Page

Sunday October 2nd, 2022
Thursday October 6th, 2022

GranTree Hotel

Best Western Gran Tree Inn, Bozeman, MT
1325 North 7th Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715
(406) 587-5261

BOOK BEFORE Sept. 2, 2022
to guarnatee the rates
DO IT NOW - no fee cancellations!

We have 40 rooms reserved, by contract.

details on hotel page

  • Confirmed Speaker: Brian Bird, NX0X who will speak on the Past, Present and Future of the CQ USA-Counties Award
  • Confirmed Speaker: Paige Butler, W0FLZ speaking about MARAC's Publicity and Advertizing, of which she is the Coordinator
  • Confirmed Speaker: Don Flynn K3IMC will talk about Logger II
  • Banquet Wednesday evening
  • Hospitality Room from 3 pm to 11 pm Sunday, 9 am to 11 pm Monday-Wednesday
  • * special prizes for early registrants - before July 4th (form and payment received) (prize determined, but secret!) - CLOSED

We're BAAACK !

This website will be updated frequently
as we get more details confirmed.

Reload your page!
{Last Update: 19-Sept-2022}